* Please follow these steps to ensure that your child can be scheduled for therapy in a timely manner
1. Complete and submit the referral form available on this website, or call 610-670-8600 to provide your referral information.
2. Forward a copy of your insurance card(s) (front & back)
Fax 610-670-9104 or email Info@cptherapy.com
Drop by the office and we will gladly make the copy for you
*The receipt of your card tells us that you are ready to proceed .
If we do not receive your card, the process stops here.
3. Your insurance benefits will be checked, but it is ultimately your responsibility to understand your insurance coverage. Refer to our Insurance Information page for details.
4. You may begin the NEW PATIENT INTAKE PROCESS immediately by printing and filling out the appropriate forms available below. Depending on the service(s) being requested, supplemental forms may be required. There are necessary forms not available online, that must be completed at the office during your child's evaluation in order for the evaluator to complete the final report. If the parent cannot be present at the evaluation alert the office and the forms will be mailed, to be returned by the caregiver on the day of the evaluation.
5. Return your COMPLETED INTAKE PACKET by fax, mail, or bringing it directly to our office. This is required prior to scheduling an appointment.
6. Upon receipt of your INTAKE PACKET you will be on the pending list for the service(s) you requested. When there is an opening you will be called to schedule an initial evaluation.
Intake Procedure at CPT
* Please follow these steps to ensure that your child can be scheduled for therapy in a timely manner
New Patient Intake Packet Checklist
*Please use this as a guide to ensure that all necessary forms are completed prior to your child's initial evaluation for therapy
Please print, complete, and return the following forms:
To be completed, regardless of which service you are requesting
Supplemental Forms
To be completed for specific services
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Please REVIEW the following document including our Financial Policy, Attendance/Cancellation Policy, and HIPPA Policy
*Upon scheduling of services, you will be sent a secure email with this policy document to review and provide electronic signatures indicating your understanding and agreement to the policies